We Now Offer
Our loyalty program
We believe in giving back to our customers. That is why every customer who purchases from our team gets a 2% discount. This can be accumulated until you save 12% off. When you’ve reached this stage, your discount will then become permanent. We’ll give you a loyalty card so you can see how much you are saving, and you can even order online too. This is one of the many reasons why we continue to stand out as being the best at what we do, and it is also the reason why our customers choose us time and time again. Please note that the discount applies to labour only.
With our loyalty system, you can take advantage of money off, and you can also get priority booking too.
You will always be guaranteed the discount, regardless of what you order.
We offer special extra discounts for our loyal customers.
What Our Clients Say
Christine V.
City Centre, Manchester
Easy to communicate, short waiting times, did plenty of jobs from floors, and lights to plumbing. Glad to have found them, we managed to finish everything on time. Will definitely go back for our handyman needs.
Tim H.
Cheadle, Manchester
Great service. The were bang on time and got to work straight away fitting new blinds all over the house. The handyman been tidying as he goes so zero mess left. This has been a friendly and efficient service right from contacting Martin through to having Handyman in the house.
Order Our Loyalty Card
for more informations about our loyalty program call us: 07493148275